Posts tagged "Savings"

Personal Loans : What Is a Secured Savings Installment Loan?

Personal Loans : What Is a Secured Savings Installment Loan?

When you heard about Secured Savings Installment Loan, did they tell you that it will just get you into a secured loan program with a lender, meaning you have to deposit money into an account, which you will then borrow against?

Simply put, you will pay the lender interest to borrow your own money from them. Did you believe all these?

Watch this video if it holds true, or it’s just plain bluff.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Posted by Cathy Miller - December 20, 2012 at 9:08 am

Categories: Loan Videos   Tags: , , , , ,

High Rollers: Inside the Savings and Loan Debacle

High Rollers: Inside the Savings and Loan Debacle

High Rollers: Inside the Savings and Loan Debacle

Market forces, not scoundrels, destroyed the savings and loan business. So says Martin Lowy in what is truly an inside look at the savings and loan crisis. Drawing upon his experience as a practicing attorney, bank officer, and savings and loan director, Lowy provides an expert account of the problems that have overwhelmed the nation’s savings institutions and their government regulators. High Rollers is the first book on the S&L crisis that provides an analytical groundwork for technical and nontechnical readers–so that both can comprehend what happened. Lowy’s clear, readable style allows him to quickly describe the origins of the problems in new market forces and new technologies, and how the problems grew out of control as a result of regulatory mistakes and congressional inaction. Even his discussions of real estate lending practices and accounting issues are, in the words of Professor Horvitz, “both clear to the novice and instructive to the professional.”

List Price: $ 117.95


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Posted by getloans - March 8, 2012 at 1:49 pm

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