Personal Finance

Personal Finance

Personal Finance

  • Updated data and coverage of today’s economic situation.
  • “Do It Now!” This action, oriented 2 to 3 sentence blurb offers a quick take away for students.
  • “Your Next Five Years.” This box highlights what students will need to do in the five years post-graduation and references the material relevant in that chapter. It’s a practical, how-to box that gets students thinking about the here and now as well as their short term needs.
  • “Instant Message.” This boxed insert, designed to mimic a text message, includes quick tips and suggestions for students.
  • “What Do You Recommend” and “What Do You Recommend Now.” These chapter opening and closing narratives cover essential financial topics. The opening feature is followed by a question and four potential answers. The results are often unexpected and provide an excellent opportunity to engage students. The closing feature asks the students to come back to that opening vignette and reflect upon it after reading the chapter.

PERSONAL FINANCE offers a practical, reader-friendly introduction to personal financial management. Using a structured, step-by-step approach, this market-leading text helps users learn how to save and invest, manage student loans, file taxes, decrease credit card debt, and plan for the future. Real-life scenarios, covering a wide range of financial challenges, enable users to appreciate the relevance of key concepts, and useful advice from personal finance experts helps them apply those concepts in their own lives. Many math-based examples also clearly illustrate the critical importance of achieving long-term financial goals through investing. Building on the success of previous editions, the new Eleventh Edition continues to engage and focus attention on the critical concepts needed to succeed in the classroom and to manage finances wisely for a lifetime.

List Price: $ 236.95


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