How do you get a Payday Advance loan?

Question by Top Notch: How do you get a Payday Advance loan?
I had lost my job a couple of months ago due to budget layoffs and times have been hard but I just recently got a really good job. The things is I have a electricity bill that has to be paid in a couple of days or it gets turned off but my first payday isn’t for a week so I was wondering how do I get a payday advance? Do I have to have good credit?I live in Bakersfield, Ca if that matters.

Best answer:

Answer by CatDad
If you have no other choice, then get one locally in your home city. There are several such places in Bakersfield:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=payday+loans+Bakersfield&fb=1&gl=us&hq=payday+loans&hnear=0x80ea6bc8b994cb0d:0x59360c0998fe74c8,Bakersfield,+CA&ei=DtjZTeq5KNGctwfFkd3oDg&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&resnum=3&ved=0CAQQtgMwAg
You don’t need good credit to get a payday loan….just a checking account and a job.
Your first choice should be to sell any valuables to get money…as hard as that might be…or borrow from friends or family.
Payday loans are horrible and if you can’t repay it in full within a month, you could fall into a financial trap that can be hard to get out of.
Stay away from online cash advance places.

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